Spay and Neuter for Dogs in Turlock, CA

Spay and neuter for dogs are not only one of the most responsible things you can do as a pet owner, it’s also one of the best things you can do for the health and wellbeing of your dog. Spay and neuter is the most common type of minor surgery that veterinarians perform, a safe and affordable procedure that our vets at Valley Pet Care perform for both cats and dogs in Turlock, CA hundreds of times a year. If you have questions about spay and neutering for dogs, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be happy to provide the answers.

Why Spay And Neuter For Dogs

Besides the health benefits your dog will enjoy from having the procedure done, it’s one of the best ways to help alleviate the dog overpopulation problem in America. It’s been estimated that there are tens of millions of homeless and unwanted dogs in the U.S. at any given time, and a large percentage of those that go into shelters are eventually euthanized. There just isn’t enough room to keep them or homes to adopt them. Having your dog spayed or neutered is the best way for you to help reduce the number of dogs that come to this tragic end.

Spay and Neuter for Dogs in Turlock, CA

Benefits Of Spay And Neuter For Dogs

Neutering is the removal of the male’s testicles, while spaying is the removal of the reproductive organs of the female. Ideally, spay and neuter for dogs are performed between six and nine months of age, though the procedure can be done at any age. Some of the health benefits include:

Females – They will no longer go through the heat cycle, and the risk of uterine infection and ovarian cysts is eliminated. They will also have a reduced risk of breast cancer.

Males – The risk of testicular cancer is eliminated, and it decreases the risk of prostate problems. Aggressive behavior is reduced, as well as the urge to roam and to mark their territory on furniture and carpets.

The Spay And Neuter Procedure

Your dog will be anesthetized during the procedure and their vital signs will be continually monitored by a technician. Afterward, they’ll rest in a recovery room for a couple of hours, then they can go home. Your vet will advise you on postoperative care at home.

To schedule spay and neuter for dogs at Valley Pet Care, simply fill out our online form and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Turlock, CA Spay and Neuter for Dogs